E1A13A | 开沃新能源汽车集团有限公司


开沃新能源汽车集团股份有限公司(以下简称“开沃集团”)是集新能源整车及核心零部件研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的独角兽企业。2010年12月创维集团创始人黄宏生先生成立开沃集团,2011年1月收购并重组南京金龙客车制造有限公司(以下简称“南京金龙”)。控股南京金龙后,开沃集团着力将重心由传统中巴转向新能源汽车,目前是南京市唯一的新能源商用车总部企业。 开沃集团生产基地遍布南京、深圳、武汉、徐州、呼和浩特、渭南、淮南7座城市。旗下拥有整车品牌“SKYWORTH创维”(国内品牌)、“SKYWELL”(海外品牌)以及汽车零部件品牌“SKYSOURCE创源” 3大核心品牌。 开沃集团是行业内极少数拥有全品类车型、掌握“三电”核心技术、商用车与乘用车 “商乘并举”的新能源汽车企业。产品上形成了纯电动、燃料电池、混合动力、插电式四条技术路线,产品品类涵盖乘用车、客车、物流车、专用车、卡车等全系列车型,累计销售车辆超60000辆,40多个国家、200多个城市。拥有立体式研发体系 “先进技术研究+车型研究+零部件开发”,形成了“1+N”式的研发主体, 围绕“节能、智能”两大主题,开展自主化、正向化、前瞻化课题攻关。

Vehicles Group Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Skywell Group") is a high-tech enterprise and unicorn enterprise integrates r&d, production, sales and service of new energy vehicles and core components. Skywell Group, headquartered in Lishui Development Zone, Nanjing city, Jiangsu Province, covers an area of 830,000 m2 with a construction area of 500,000 m2 and a total investment of 5 billion yuan. The production and sales of electric buses ranked the second in China in 2014, the fourth in China from 2015 to 2017, the third in China in 2018, and the second in China in 2019 with the sales of 9,533 pure electric buses. The group has established production bases in Shenzhen, Wuhan, Xuzhou, Hohhot, Xi 'an and Weinan. Skywell Group officially entered the passenger car market in 2017, realizing the simultaneous development of commercial and passenger vehicles. Covers 4~18m bus, logistics vehicles, special vehicles, trucks, PV , driverless and other products, can provide customers with complete charging solutions.
