E2B05 | 方盛车桥(柳州)有限公司


方盛车桥有限公司前身始建于1979年,最初为汽车底盘零部件厂,后更名为柳州市金羊汽车配件厂,注册“金羊”商标。 2000年,成为广西方盛实业集团下的车桥分公司。 2009年,方盛与六和机械投资(中国)有限公司合资建立方盛车桥(柳州)有限公司。 2014年,成立方盛车桥(苏州)有限公司。 2020年,成立方盛车桥(合肥)有限公司。 公司目前拥有专利83项,其中发明专利16项。 客车桥系列 前桥覆盖2.2吨-7.5吨 后桥覆盖3吨-13吨 卡车桥系列 前桥覆盖5.5吨-9.5吨 后桥覆盖9吨-32吨 悬架产品 8米-12米车用悬架 4.5吨-7.5吨独立前悬架 特种车桥 13吨低地板后桥 轮边电驱桥 中央电机驱动桥 自动化率国内第一、全进口壳体加工设备,国内领先水平。 方盛车桥与国内知名主机厂建立了长期稳定的战略合作伙伴关系 方盛车桥几乎与国内所有客车主机厂建立稳定的合作关系。

Fang Sheng axle Co. Ltd. was founded in 1979, Originally is a automobile chassis parts factory , After then renamed as Liuzhou Jinyang Automobile parts Factory, Registered "Jinyang" brand. In 2000, Became a branch of Guangxi Fangsheng industry group. In 2009, Fangsheng Axle (Liu Zhou) Co,.Ltd became a joint venture of Fangsheng industry group and Liuhe mechanical investment (China) Co,.Ltd . In 2014, Found Fang Sheng axle (Suzhou) Co,.Ltd. In 2020, Found Fang Sheng axle (Hefei) Co,.Ltd. At present, we have 83 patents, of which 16 invent patents. Bus axle series Front axle load from 2.2 ton to 7.5 ton Drive axle load from 2.2 ton to 7.5 ton Bus axle series Front axle load from 5.5 ton to 9.5 ton Drive axle load from 9 ton to 32 ton Suspension product Suspension products for 8 m -12 meter bus Front Independent suspension from 4.5 ton to 7.5 ton Special axle series 13 ton low floor axle E-drive hub reduction axle E-drive Central reduction axle Automatic hub assembly line,Carrier case machining line。 Fang Sheng has established a stable strategic partnership with mainly truck OEMs in China. Fang Sheng axle almost established stable relationship with all bus OEMs in China.
